
My name is Nicole Zhang, a Masters Student in Bioinformatics who loves all things Python, R, Bash, Java

Vancouver, Canada

Research Experience

Bat's IRF phylogenetic selection analysis

Golding lab

Exploring bats' unique immunological property via phylogenetic and selection analysis.

Caribou genome annotation

Golding lab

Annotate caribou genome via BLASTN, with duplicative gene analysis and k-mer analysis.

Pancreatic stem cell ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analysis

Kleger lab

Build ChIP-seq and RNA-seq pipeline and perform gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) on RNA-seq data. Correlate ChIP-seq data with the existing enhancer location data of cells of different stages and extract motifs via MEME suite.


(In progress) MSc in Bioinformatics

University of British Colombia

Dr. Wyeth Wasserman

Detecting cis-regulatory regions using deep learning

Detecting cis-regulatory regions using deep learning

BSc(Hons) Integrated Science Specialize in Biochemistry, minor in Mathematics/Statistics

McMaster University

Dr. G. B. Golding

Graduated with 3.97/4.00 GPA

Graduated with 3.97/4.00 GPA


The Caribou (*Rangifer tarandus*) Genome
